Charity designs in collaboration with…
Our work with influencers, activists, comedians, artists and more, these collaborations are here to raise funds for many good causes, and celebrate amazing people who help to bring joy in to our every day lives.

Shouting at a flower, won’t make it bloom: Charity design with Katie Budenberg

Pack of 4 Colouring sheets: Katie Budenberg Insomnia Collection, for Alzheimer’s Research UK

My braincell is on holiday: Charity design with Katie Budenberg

I might not want to, Oversized Sweater, with Maddy Lucy Dann, for Doctors Without Borders

‘Is nothing sacred?’, oversized sweater, with Maddy Lucy Dann, for Doctors Without Borders

Pride Disco cats charity T-shirt, collaboration with Katie Budenberg, FOR AKT charity

Long boi Loose fit Top, in collaboration with Maddy Lucy Dann, For Doctors Without Borders

Slay & E Oversized Tee, in collaboration with Maddy Lucy Dann, for Doctors Without Borders